Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thinking about...

Last night, I started getting sick. You know, the creepin’ up on you and before you know it you have a cold and your nose is looking like a strawberry, sick? Because of that, I took some cold medicine that "May Cause Drowsiness". It did. And I woke up two hours later with a backache that lasted all day. And then the sneezing began.

Lately, I have had a lot of time to think. That is not always a good thing. The problem is that the time for me to think is normally well after the kids get to sleep. When you have time to think, you sometimes don’t think of constructive thoughts. I have read leadership books and articles that say that if you can set aside 30 minutes a day (who has that???) to just sit and think, you will train yourself to be more organized and your decisions will be more wise. Yeah, right.

I still sit at the computer, either working or playing, and my mind thinks that Cindy is going to come downstairs with a bowl of raspberry-chocolate ice cream (Graeter’s brand from Cincinnati, OH). My mind thinks that it’s about time to travel to Barnes again. My mind still wonders how Cindy ever was able to endue her constant pain. My mind wonders what she is seeing right now. Has she asked Noah "why mosquitos?" Does she get a daily sermon from Jesus or Timothy or Paul or John? Has she told Luke that she has a son named after him?

Who invented Kleenex and did they get rich?

Not constructive thinking... but necessary at this moment.

1 comment:

  1. My shelter administrator calls it the "creeping crud." I'm just getting over it and Johnny has just come down with it. The version that's here in Kansas City is an airborne virus.

    Sometimes it's better not to have time to think. No, I take that back. Instead, I'll remind you of what the Lord says: "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." (Phil 4:8, NLT)


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