Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Cry For Help (Not me!)

So, yesterday one of my juvenile clients attempted suicide. Luckily the cuts were superficial and he is physically fine. I had just met with him on Thursday afternoon and he didn’t seem on the verge of doing something that drastic. It is amazing to me that kids today often have so much to do, often so much given to them, often allowed so much latitude, and yet... so many are screwed up in ways beyond my capabilities to fix or to comprehend.

I tried to explain to him that we shared the feelings of loss when you lose a close friend. I actually told him my whole situation in order to attempt a bond. Apparently it didn’t work. I have to remember I can’t help everyone, but I have to at least try my best.

What's a difference in our situation? I have Faith and Hope. He has marijuana and whatever else he can get his hands on, from whomever he can con. Unfortunately, this is one of dozens of kids I have to deal with in similar, yet different situations.

The one good thing about dealing with juvenile clients. I stay busy and while at work I don’t necessarily have time to mope or have a pity-party. I am still trying to play catch up from early November. Luckily, my co-workers (and bosses) took good care of me while I was away.

Remember this client in your prayers. He has some hard work and a rough road headed his way. Appearing before the Judge again is the least of his bumps before him.

1 comment:

  1. Joe, I found your blog through one of your blog followers being on our blogsite. We lost our son Evan, age 4, a year ago after waiting for a heart transplant for over a year. I read through pages of your posts and my heart just goes out to you. I do think that expressing your feelings on the blog is very helpful- it has helped my husband immensely. You're welcome to visit ours anytime! Hang in there.... God Bless, Natalie


Thanks for commenting on what I wrote. I value your input and the time you take to read my blog. If you want to write me something personal, email me at joehowerton111@gmail.com
