Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Still Sick... Very Sick

It's 2am and I am feeling pretty good for the first time today.

My diagnosis from the "cute" doctor was not exactly right. I ended up going to the ER yesterday when my temperature stayed over 101 and got an IV of fluids and diagnosed with tonsillitis and possibly a tick-borne disease. I am on antibiotics now, but they said I may have one more day of fever before I start feeling better. One of the other things going on is my liver and kidney functions are slightly abnormal. My kidney Dr in Carbondale seems to think those numbers are only due to my dehydration and my body working overtime to fight the disease. I hope he's right. I am getting this whole week off work to recuperate.

Yesterday I got very stir-crazy and frantic when I was feverish (102) and that kind of scared me. I was just sure that I would end up in the hospital for a biopsy or something.

One of the problems is making sure my kids stay away from me - after all - them getting this is the LAST thing I want! Amanda wanted me so badly tonight and it was so hard to not hug her.

I have now been sick 4, going on 5 days. Here's what I have learned.
1)Sickness Sucks!
2)Drinking water nonstop has several bad side effects.
3)My Co-Workers are awesome.
4)My gf has been awesome too.
5)There's only so many ways to lay in a bed.
6)I have a newfound respect for Cindy's 14 months of laying in that bed with nothing to do but worry, stew, flop around and pray.

I will let you know when I get better. I's 2:30 now... starting to get the chills again. Better get back to my wonderful bed.

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