Monday, June 29, 2009

Too Much Celebrity Info!

So much that's going on in life right now (irresponsible congress, pitbull attacks, continual heat wave, increasing gas prices, clueless clients, etc) have gotten my goat so much lately I just had to write a light-hearted blog before I blew my brains out. I am doing very well lately.... it's just been too hectic to write.

I am glad I am not a celebrity.

I have been in a couple of "celebrity" events but my level of celebrity-ness was actually quite lame. I once played on the TV3 softball team because I was a weather-watcher for them before they moved to Crainville and the weatherman offered his at bat to me. This was pre-Jim Rasor. My second round of celebritocity (I like making up words) was playing on a celebrity basketball team in a fund-raiser. It was during my WGGH radio days and I am sure I was the least known player on the "celebrity" team. (Like I said... pretty lame.)

I did get a certain "following" of senior citizens and home schoolers during my radio career but they were mostly well-behaved when I was out doing a remote broadcast or concert appearance. There was a time when I was backed into a corner by a lady in a walker, but I think that was purely accidental!

I can't imagine the lack of privacy stars of today have to deal with, but then again, they make enough money to jettison to a location where they are unknown. Or, they can hole up in one of their houses behind the large gate guarded by a guy named "Tiny".

Then your family has to deal with the speculation of your possible sordid hidden life once you die. I know more about Michael Jackson, Ed McMahon, Farrah Faucet, and now the Oxyclean guy than I ever thought possible. And I am not even trying to find out the dirt. (I leave that stuff to my 8-4 job!)

Although, I have to admit, the limelight is kinda fun.... even if that light is dim.

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