Friday, July 3, 2009

Why Must I Get Sick Now?

It just goes to reason that if you say you are not sick...Whamo! You get sick. That's what has happened to me. I woke up this morning feeling bad and it never improved with a 3 hour nap and I even started to run a low-grade fever. (Luke was napping too, and Amanda was gone.)

Well, the good news is it is not West Nile, Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever, N1H1, Bird Flu, Cat Flu, Mongoose Flu, or Strep. It's just viral crap. I think that was the cute doctor's diagnosis. (It was a female doctor - just to clarify! I don't want to mistakenly be thought of as gay... like my supervisor was! That's what Richard gets for wearing a "corn-something blue" shirt!)

But this sickness is occurring during my favorite time of the year. I love warm weather. I love summer. I love warm nights and star gazing. My favorite memories are from summers at the lake, trips to the zoo, baseball games all over Southern Illinois, cruising with the radio up and windows down, fireworks (legal and illegal) and outdoor concerts in St. Louis.

I am adding a special time tomorrow to remember what this holiday is all about. It seems that what was fought for... independence from an overly repressive central under attack again. I don't know what's going to happen here in America - "universal" healthcare, energy/banking/automotive mandates, much higher taxes, and weakening of the greatest fighting force in the history of the world - but it seems to me that any of these would NOT be what our founding fathers signed up to get.

I found the following paragraphs in a Glenn Beck letter to America posted today... I want to share a short page from it. It's what got me to thinking about tomorrow. Please read it despite what you think of that goofball Glenn. (I have an affection for guys who are goofballs!)

Of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence:

Five were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes burned to the ground. Two lost sons serving in the Revolutionary Army, and two more had sons captured. Nine fought and died in the Revolutionary War.

Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists, eleven were merchants, and nine were farmers and large plantation owners. They were well educated, smart enough to know that by signing the Declaration of Independence, they were signing their own death warrants. They did it anyway, and God bless them for it.

As we enjoy our liberty on this 4th of July, or any day of any month, we must never take that liberty for granted. Too many have given too much. In the words of the Signers themselves, "For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

~Glenn Beck

Have a Happy Independence Day! Now let's go to Reeve's Boomland!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Too Much Celebrity Info!

So much that's going on in life right now (irresponsible congress, pitbull attacks, continual heat wave, increasing gas prices, clueless clients, etc) have gotten my goat so much lately I just had to write a light-hearted blog before I blew my brains out. I am doing very well lately.... it's just been too hectic to write.

I am glad I am not a celebrity.

I have been in a couple of "celebrity" events but my level of celebrity-ness was actually quite lame. I once played on the TV3 softball team because I was a weather-watcher for them before they moved to Crainville and the weatherman offered his at bat to me. This was pre-Jim Rasor. My second round of celebritocity (I like making up words) was playing on a celebrity basketball team in a fund-raiser. It was during my WGGH radio days and I am sure I was the least known player on the "celebrity" team. (Like I said... pretty lame.)

I did get a certain "following" of senior citizens and home schoolers during my radio career but they were mostly well-behaved when I was out doing a remote broadcast or concert appearance. There was a time when I was backed into a corner by a lady in a walker, but I think that was purely accidental!

I can't imagine the lack of privacy stars of today have to deal with, but then again, they make enough money to jettison to a location where they are unknown. Or, they can hole up in one of their houses behind the large gate guarded by a guy named "Tiny".

Then your family has to deal with the speculation of your possible sordid hidden life once you die. I know more about Michael Jackson, Ed McMahon, Farrah Faucet, and now the Oxyclean guy than I ever thought possible. And I am not even trying to find out the dirt. (I leave that stuff to my 8-4 job!)

Although, I have to admit, the limelight is kinda fun.... even if that light is dim.