Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Almost But Not Quite

It's been a long time since I wrote on my blog. (Don't be mad, blog. I missed you. I'll try and do better.)

I wanted to give you an update about my health. Like the title of the blog said, I am almost but not quite recovered from my three week illness. I am off the antibiotics and have gotten my energy back. The area where I am now lacking is in strength. Luke, all 37(!) pounds of him, really can wear me out. He is all rough and tumble with Dad and thinks nothing of flopping down on me anytime he sees an opening. The problem is that normally I try and catch him before he completely squishes me...and I really mean "TRY!" Luckily, Amanda is more gentle with her dad, but only slightly. She likes to waller me and snuggle - which is ok - I know it won't last forever!

I really noticed my lack of strength Friday when we moved a couple of desks at work. (Technically, I never should have lifted them - after all I am a union worker! I know what you are thinking... Joe in a union? Yep! Not much choice and no real benefit to me.) I have never been what I would consider a strong man - except for that year in college where I actually lifted weights on a regular schedule - but trying to lift those desks was quite difficult.

I also lost a total of 12 pounds while I was not eating, and I think I have gained a couple of them back. I am going to try and keep the rest off, but several people have told me that I am too skinny. A greater number have said I look "sooo much better". Ok, first of all - THAT'S NOT A COMPLIMENT! I know what you are going for by saying that, but really, did I look that bad before? Since I am a nice guy, I let it go and take it the way they mean it - I am more healthy looking now that I have dropped a couple of pounds. No matter - I think I look better now, too.

Thanks for everyone who prayed, etc., for me and please know that I appreciated it!

Ok, one political note: Are politicians (Illinois and Federal) getting dumber or just caring less about the populace? Illinois is in shambles and can't take care of its citizens (the needy, the children, the addicted, or the afflicted and those state workers who care for those people) because the guys in charge (all of one party) can't stop complaining about how bad the budget is long enough to have a few fresh ideas of how to bring in more money. Here's an idea - make Illinois a state where businesses and people want to go because there's opportunity to make a buck! Really, is it that complicated?

Let me think... Oh, I don't know - freeze state spending increases for three or four years, kick out anyone here illegally, freeze ALL legislator's pay for 8 years, eliminate centralized state purchases and encourage local buys, lower tax rates on all businesses, encourage business incubators through tax credits for start up businesses for five years after incubation ends, eliminate all state taxes on businesses which make less than $50,000 or employ fewer than 4 people, eliminate the Illinois Interstate Compact (a probation thing most of you have no idea what they do - and neither do I - except making coffee for trainings) and lastly, annex Missouri. After all, we sure don't want Indiana!

Don't even get me started on Gate-gate, $ for Clunkers, Health Care, or Honduras.

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