Monday, December 22, 2008

Alone Isolated Remote Solitary

Ps 145:17-19
The LORD is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made. 18 The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. 19 He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. (from NIV)

I am ALWAYS in church on Sunday mornings. I have been in church nearly every Sunday since I was born. Barring a medically-necessary absence, I have been there. Especially on a C and E Sunday. (That’s what us church-y people call the Sundays the heathens show up twice a year on the ‘important’ days. You call us hypocrites on the other 50 weeks. I think we’re even.) This Sunday, though, I went to the Rams game in St. Louis. Now don’t get me wrong. I think it is still a bad precedent to skip church on a Sunday morning to go to a sporting event where the only worship is of overpaid, over-hyped, overly worshiped freaks of nature (kickers/punters not included) who happen to be able to throw, catch or run with an oblong ball all the while trying not to get pummeled by other freaks of nature.

HOWEVER, I needed time to: a) be alone, b) not think of any problems, and c) do something that I have always wanted to do. So I went to the Rams game alone, froze my keyster off walking the 4 blocks from the car to the Dome, didn’t think about my upside-down life and enjoyed a NFL football game in person for the first time in my life. Besides, the tickets were FREE!!!

Was it fun? Sure. Did I have a good time? Yeah. Was I close enough to get a feel of the speed of the game and a good look at the "2008 - 2009 St. Louis Rams Cheerleaders Sponsored by Russell Athletics"? You bet! (They only say that about 250 times during the game.) Are the Rams horrible? More like pathetic.

Anyway, I had a fun time at the Dome. I also even had fun afterwards shopping at ToysRUs, the St. Clair mall, and Krispy Kreme.

What did I learn from my day of Joe?
1) My car still can drive to St Louis on Auto Pilot.
2) Everything is more expensive on Game Day. ($16.50 for a cold cheeseburger, fries and a medium soda. $15-20 to park.)
3) The Saturday before Christmas at St. Clair is not a wise use of my time.
4) Talking to God in the car will get you some weird looks.
5) I still like to play music very loud in the car when I am alone.
6) Problems won’t be solved and I am still alone even when you try to run away for a while.

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