Monday, December 15, 2008

Let Me Count The Ways

Have I mentioned how much I love my church? If you haven’t heard that yet, let me tell you. I love my church.

There is always something different about the service without being too different. They think of things ahead of time and are always prepared. There’s always a great and relevant message. Someone new is always stepping up to help out. The people in the congregation are constantly reaching out to help those in need. The music is outstanding and never too loud. The children’s department has fabulous teachers who are not just going through the motions. And most importantly, lives are being changed because of what our church (this group of God’s children) is doing.

Tonight I had some friends over. They have been through struggles at other churches, too. They now go to my church and feel the same way I do about our church. We all rejoiced in how nice it is to be able to go to church and work in those areas where you are gifted - not in every area because no one else is there to do it.

I love Grand Avenue. I hope you love your church as much as I do mine.

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