Friday, April 10, 2009

Not A Mean Bone In My Body

If you read yesterday’s blog, you might have gotten the impression that I was actually quite mad at a certain co-worker of mine. I can understand that. It’s hard to hear the "tone" that something is written when you just see the words on a screen. I was completely joking about being mad at my co-worker. I can not be mad at her - well, I could be - but not about this. (There I go again!)

The outcome of my boss hearing about my "boring" comment was that the "boring" meeting ended with him saying "everyone who finds my meetings entertaining, enlightening and worthwhile may start their long weekend now. For the one who finds it boring, they can stay around and we will discuss it." I laughed. A lot!

He was not mad and neither was I. My blog yesterday was my small attempt at retaliation.... All in fun!

I will, however, not talk to Michelle (aka: Loose Lips #2) ever again.

At least until Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I do think that the blog was a little harsh, as you attempted to do...but you love me!! And what would it be like if we didn't have our laughter...Plus, it keeps you focused and on your toes. Your work wife...M


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