Friday, December 12, 2008

JTPO Will Keep Writing

A while back, I contacted one of Cindy’s college roommates about how you get started with writing a book. She used to work for Focus on the Family and is now a freelance writer who has had a few articles published. Her advice? Start writing and pray. There were a few other suggestions, but that was the gist of it. I read somewhere that Joe the Plumber has a book coming out. Of course, "serious" writers have come out against "ordinary" people like Joe the Plumber writing books. If JTP wants to cash in on his dwindling moments of fame - go for it! I bet he does have something to say. It’s the "ordinary" people who often have the most insight! (If books only came from ivory towers can you imagine how un-useful most books would be?)

At work, I sometimes have to write what’s called a Pre-Sentence Investigation (PSI) Report. I have normally been assigned one of these reports every couple of months. A PSI is basically a 10-20 page paper that is given to the Judge (and attorneys) prior to a defendant being sentenced to possible prison time so that an appropriate sentence can be handed down. It covers EVERYTHING about the defendant. It has sections about their criminal history, family/marital situation, work history, physical health, substance abuse/mental health issues present and past, treatment history, educational history, and goals/hobbies. All of those areas must be documented by the probation officer and then put into the report. It’s a huge undertaking and we normally have around 6-8 weeks to complete it - along with our regular caseload. That is why when someone is found guilty they set the sentencing so long afterwards. (This concludes your civics lesson for today. Tomorrow, "Political Reform and You".) I tell you all this because.......oh yeah. I like to write and it’s a good thing since I have to do it quite often in my job. It’s kind of the story about the client.

Anyway, I just wanted you to know that Joe the Probation Officer is going to keep writing here on the blog. I don’t know if anyone really cares what I write about, but I am having fun with it. And it’s challenging in a way that is much different than any PSI.

Random thought for the day: "I miss Calvin and Hobbes."

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