Friday, November 28, 2008

What Are You People Doing?

There’s a strange phenomenon that happens when someone close to you dies. It's called "Life". Not your life, but everyone else’s life. Their life does not stop. They still have to buy gas. They still need groceries. They still go to work. They still take the kids to soccer, school, play dates, etc. They still talk about who won "Dancing With the Stars". (Yeah, Brooke!) They even still pass you driving 65mph on Route 13.

It’s funny, but I thought everyone would take a few days off from what they have to do. I did. I don’t understand why they didn’t.

Now everyone is in a hurry to buy Christmas presents. Can’t they see I am hurting here? Don’t they know that I have no clue what I am doing? Don’t they know there are thousands of others hurting and needing help, too?

I wonder how many people I drove past (at 65mph) on Route 13 who needed help while I was living my "old" life.

1 comment:

  1. This is really interesting. I've often wondered this myself. I haven't gone through near the pain you're going through, but when I have gone through trying times (or just because), I have often wondered about others when I've been doing my routine things.

    I'm also a thinker, sometimes an overthinker. I have wondered about this very phenomenon. How do I know that the person in front of me in the checkout lane didn't just get bad news? How do I know that the person I just passed in order to make it home in time for Grey's Anatomy didn't just lose someone? We get all caught up in the stuff that just doesn't matter, now or ever. We tend not to think about everyone else. We think our to do list is of utmost importance. This is an interesting perspective, and I always wondered if anyone else ever thought about it. Of course, much of my thought on this subject was nowhere near your perspective. Maybe since I have pondered it myself, someone else has, too. I agree; people need to take a step back. Thanks for reminding me to do this more often.


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