Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I've Got Nothin' for Ya

Sorry, no blog tonight. I am just too drained - mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and computer-ish-ly. Ok, that last one might be a stretch, but my computer IS getting on my last, frayed nerve.

Physically, I am just now getting over a variety of ailments that lasted two weeks. I have had juvenile clients that are weighing on me and my adult caseload is not getting caught up like I thought it should. And this foray into Juve-land and their completely different way of doing things is not really sinking in like it would if I were completely coherent at work. And I am used to always knowing my ‘stuff’.

I have people calling me at work of whom I can’t talk to, asking me questions I can’t answer and I have people with warrants who will rot in jail if they would get picked up who think they should not be punished for something they didn’t do but the Court says they have to.

I have bills that need to get paid and an insurance agent swearing that I don’t owe anything else, but hospitals and doctors who are saying otherwise.

But, I also have healthy kids that sleep through the night and friends who like my blog.
Since I don’t have much of anything to say - I'll just go to sleep now.

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